Austin Humane Society to host drive-thru pet food pantry event Saturday



Drive-through pet food pantry set

The Austin Humane Society will host a drive-through pet food pantry event on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at their future home on Interstate 35 North 7625.

The food is distributed according to the “first come, first served” principle. Guests should enter the Red Rocks Church parking lot from East Anderson Lane. Signs guide participants through the drive-through process. Guests are asked to stay in their vehicles as staff and volunteers make contactless delivery of requested pet food.

Further information: 512-685-0118;

Courtesy of the Austin Humane Society


Road safety work begins

The Austin Transportation Department has announced updates on several projects.

Construction crews have broken ground at safer intersections near Wooldridge Elementary School and will soon begin work on Parkfield Drive from Payton Gin Road to Mearns Meadow Boulevard. The changes in Parkfield are the second of three phases of work to improve safety and mobility for all who use this road.

Changes include shortening the crossing distance for pedestrians or rolling by installing new curb extensions, improving connectivity by eliminating walkway clearances, and increasing safety by building a protected intersection at Parkfield and Payton Gin.

Construction work for this phase is expected to be completed in spring 2022. Future work will include improvements to bike lanes and pedestrian crossings from Rundberg Lane to Mearns Meadow Boulevard.

Further project information:

From news reports


Library announces exhibition “Outpost”

The Austin Public Library announced their new exhibition, Outpost, which will run Saturday through January 14th on the second floor of the Central Library Gallery, 710 W. Cesar Chavez St.

The exhibition presents multimedia objects and images from Sara Welch’s self-published comic “Holdouts”. The story looks into an imagined future in which there has been relatively no progress in containing climate change, and explores emotional processing with loss of place and home from the perspective of the protagonist. Welch’s exhibition “Outpost” shows a reading room installation in order to involve the reader in the narrative.

More information:

From news reports
